A life CHANGED. 


There are points in your life, good and bad, where you can't imagine things any other way. You can't imagine change. When it’s good that is an amazing feeling to have. But when it’s not, it can overwhelm you and begin to take over your life. Where you feel like you just can't stop fighting for the life you want, or exhausted and like you can’t fight anymore. Maybe where you just accept life for what it is getting swept away, living a life that seems to drag you with it. 

Where things like comparing, blame, excuses, complaining seem like your best friends. 

Your relationships might not be where they should be, your talents not exposed, your dreams unrecognized. 

You might not even realize the fear stories and habits swirling around in your head that are holding you back. You just know you don't feel exactly "right" and maybe it's been that way for a long time. You wonder if this is all life is cracked up to be. You settle. Become complacent. Maybe you long for something more or different.

Maybe change seems weird, corny, or even scary. Maybe you don't know where to start, or even if you really need to.   

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I remember feeling that way. I remember feeling like there was issues everywhere I looked. Instead of taking positive, "on purpose" action steps, I alternated emotions. I whined, complained to friends, blamed, yelled, cried, accepted things I didn't like, pretended everything was fine and even went numb, etc. Maybe not exactly all those things all the time, but definitely all those things at different times and they were growing more and more.. and so I knew I needed change. I was done. And so I started.

I dug into books and seminars and workshops, and learned exactly what was holding me back.


I learned I had the power to make ALL the changes I wanted. I learned how to envision what I wanted and go for it. I learned how important it was to evaluate my relationships. I learned how to place boundaries not only on how I wanted to be treated but around my behavior and how I treated and related to others.

I learned I truly had the power to my own true serenity. 

My entire life changed. And yours can too. Join me now on this journey to find out how.