Ego VS Integrity

Ego is insecure and clings to what is known, seeing the world from a limited perspective of self safety, and therefore has limited understanding and depth. Ego reacts. Ego stays shallow. Ego avoids. Ego lies. Ego controls. Ego creates division. Ego is unwilling to see perspectives. Ego creates pressure.

Integrity can be insecure as well, but isn’t afraid to acknowledge that feeling. Is not afraid of widening the perspective, and therefore has the capacity for both understanding and depth. Integrity receives. Integrity tells the truth. Integrity allows fear and the unknown, both to sit in and feel, and to create courage. Integrity creates true presence of person and people. Integrity tries to come to decisions using that mindful presence. Integrity flows.

Things they say:

Ego says - I’m DOING the best I can. I’m not the problem.

Integrity says - Am I doing the best I can? It’s ok if I’m not, as long as I’m not lying to myself. It’s ok if I am, and I have to keep trying. It’s ok if I tried and realized I can’t.

Ego says - I’m mad, I need revenge. I need to let you know in a way that you damn sure feel it too.

Integrity says - I’m mad, I might have said some things I didn’t mean. Give me a minute to grab my thoughts so I can articulate why. I hope you understand.

Ego says - I developed toxic positivity, and think it’s pretty cool. Everyone around me is sooo negative.

Integrity says - It’s ok, I’m here, tell me more?

Ego says - I’ll burn that bridge in one second flat.

Integrity says - I can walk away when I need to, without having to burn anything.

Ego says - I have fully developed offensive and defensive behaviors and they make me feel confident.

Integrity says - I am learning to strip my offensive and defensive behaviors away, and learning to feel vulnerable yet honest and strong.

Ego says - I’m so cool, I’m so smart, I’m the best, I’m so awesome, don’t you agree? Don’t you? Don’t you? Don’t you agree? Well wether you answer me or not, I already know you do.

Integrity says - I feel good. I have a lot to learn, but feel pretty good. How are you?

Ego says - It’s your fault. Everyone around me is just stupid.

Integrity says - I have a lot to unpack here.

Ego says - I’ll make fun of you when I can, especially when I feel like I need to be better than you, or take you down a notch or superficially pick myself up.

Integrity says - I’m not better than you, just different.

Ego says - Feed me. Even if it’s to your detriment. I’m never full enough.

Integrity says - No matter what, even if ’m down, lost or lonely, I never want to lose myself by allowing others to lose themselves to fill me up. And if that happens hopefully I’ll notice.

Ego says - I’ll just lie, rather than possibly have to deal with consequences.

Integrity says - If I have to hide it, I shouldn't do it, - and if I do it, I need to lay it out honestly.

Ego says - I need an entourage / I need no one.

Integrity says - I define my needs as I go.

Ego says - I hold my cards close. Even when you think I’ve played them, I probably have some hidden due to fear of being truly seen.

Integrity says - All my cards are on the table. I might be nervous but don’t want to hide.

Ego says - Who TF am I? I don’t know, but arrogance, duplicity, and/or other false behaviors will get me through. -Who TF are you? I don’t know but no worries, my arrogance, duplicity, and/or false pretenses will keep me safe.

Integrity says - I am me. Here I am.



P.S I would love you to comment and tell me your thoughts, -do you agree or disagree? -what else do you think they both might say?

Samantha Crocker